Where do I begin? I suppose I can add as many blog posts as I need to give all of the background, so for now I'll blog about what's happening tonight, and in future blogs, I'll gradually fill you in on how I got to this point.
Tonight I attended the third in a series of four classes on how to sell on Etsy taught by Shae Wilhite, the co-owner at Sweet Beads here in Las Vegas
http://www.sweetbeadslv.com/ , and Cloe Cessna owner of Cloe's Closet
https://www.etsy.com/shop/CloesCloset?ref=shop_sugg , a very successful store on Etsy. I'll add another blog later sharing how I decided to open my Etsy store at the spur of the moment on May 22, 2014. It's been over two months, and I'm learning in these classes the things I did wrong. Class one was how to set up your store, class two was how to fill your store. I had already done those things, badly, but I had done them. Tonight, I learned more of what I've been doing wrong, but finally I learned more about what I can do that I haven't already messed up (at least not too badly).
Tonight we learned about marketing our Etsy store. I'm not going to pretend that I understand everything they taught.
I have to admit at times it felt like they were speaking Greek! I'm going to be 54 next month, and I didn't grow up learning this stuff. We learned a little bit about SEO, naming our listings, key words, (I need to think like the customer searching for something, not the seller bragging about it), blogging (that's why I'm here), linking, using social media: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter (2 out of 3), Branding, Teams, Treasuries, and promoting through Etsy itself. If you know about any of these things I'd like to invite you to do a guest blog here on my blog. (they talked about guest blogging, and if someone is willing to do that, I'll have to figure out how that's done!) If you have helpful suggestions on how you were successful at this, be sure to leave a comment below! For now I'm taking baby steps.